Launch of our 5k virtual walk/run.
14 May 2020
Launch of our 5k virtual walk/run.
12 May 2020
Masks for Louth deliver vital masks to Drogheda river rescue volunteers.
11 May 2020
Crews assist in a missing person search Tullyallen area, crew were stood down as person found.
6 May 2020
Drogheda River Rescue registers with Louth PPN, unique PPN number is 00410
2 May 2020
Liferings damaged along walk way
12 April 2020
🔹️🔹️Need Anything 🔹️🔹️ Were just a call away ☎️089 2505562📞 Our Volunteers are out and about daily helping people in the community and have been since the first lock down. We have delivered Food, Medication, Prescriptions, Provided lifts to test centre/doctors surgery’s, to Dublin hospital appointments. Delivered Ppe. We will continue to help the people …